The Throne of Broken Gods  Shipping Sale

For a limited time, we will be doing shipping on our signing exclusives. Priority will be given to those who have already ordered through our store and have one of the three signing exclusives in order to catch up with the set. Shipping will only be available for the first three books for the foreseeable future. Books 4-7 will be at events with a limited amount of books 1-3. All books will be hand signed by Amber with no personalization. Books are expected to ship in February 2025. 


”Then, Samkiel, you will know this is how the world ends.”

But it was not this world. No, it was mine.

It was Dianna.

The world quakes in fear as the last shred of Dianna’s humanity is ripped from her. As it should. Grief consumes Dianna, burning away any semblance of good within her and threatening the budding relationship between her and Liam. Now, Liam must pull her back from the brink of complete damnation before time runs out.

gods & monsters book 2 - PREORDER for feb 2025

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Grief, Violence, Sexual Content, PTSD, Suicidal Ideation, Emotional Abuse